The North Shore Rotary celebrated the achievements of the past year at the Clubs’ weekly meeting on Thursday June 11, 2015 by recognizing local organizations. Through various fundraising avenues and outstanding club and community support, the North Shore Rotary Club awarded a total of $50,904 to local organizations (listed below) who are committed to creating […]
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North Shore Rotary Recognized with Rotary Presidential Citation
During the Staten Island 5 Club Luncheon held on Thursday, District Governor David DelMonte, presented the North Shore Rotary Club with the Rotary International Presidential Citation for the 2014-2015 Rotary Year. The Presidential Citation is presented to a club who takes action to increase membership, enhancing service impact, and expanding the clubs network through goals provided by Rotary […]
North Shore Rotary to recognize two Seniors for Community Service
The North Shore Rotary will recognize two outstanding senior citizens for their contributions to the Staten Island Community. The club is committed to helping the elderly population on Staten Island. “It is with great honor we recognize these individuals for their remarkable contributions to our community,” said Christine DeHart, Club President. This is the second […]
North Shore Rotary Club to host 10th Annual Texas Hold-Em Tournament
The North Shore Rotary Club will host its 10th Annual Texas Hold-Em Tournament on Monday March 16, 2015 at LiGreci’s Staaten. All are invited to join in on the fun filled evening. The 2015 Tournament will benefit the Snug Harbor Little League! CLICK HERE for additional information and to join in on the fun!
Club Members Attend Rotary International UN Day
Club Members Bernie Moretti, Christine DeHart, Frank Wilkinson, and Laura Volsario attend Rotary International Day at the United Nations, pictured here with Rotary International President, Gary CK Huang (center). This unique opportunity provided Rotarians from around the world not only a visit to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City but participation in panel discussions featuring leaders and […]
North Shore Rotary sponsors P.S. 37 ‘Drawings on the Wall’ Project
This week the North Shore Rotary was proud to play a role in providing a venue for the children of P.S.37 to express themselves through Art as the School unveiled the ‘Drawings on the Wall Exhibit’ as part of the schools partnership with Marquis Studios! Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith was on hand to unveil the […]
Club President Accepts Ice Bucket Challenge
Club President, Christine DeHart, accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from fellow Club President, Linda Baran (Staten Island Rotary Club). The club designated this week’s “Happy Money” to help 11 individuals from Staten Island currently battling ALS Check out the video:
Club spruces up recreation area at Gellar House
Members of the North Shore Rotary Club worked to maintain the Basketball Court and Recreation Area at Gellar House and was finished off with a great touch by Scott Lobaido
In-Coming Club President, Christine DeHart, installed by Rotary District Governor
In-Coming North Shore Rotary Club President, Christine DeHart, was installed along with the in-coming Club presidents from Rotary District 7230 at the 2014-15 District Installation Luncheon on June 22, 2014. Over the past seven years with the North Shore Rotary Club, Christine has held the positions of Member of the Board, Treasurer, Vice-President, and President-Elect. Christine's proudest […]
North Shore Rotary Awards $36,050 to Community through 2013-14 Efforts
On Thursday June 19, 2014, the North Shore Rotary Club celebrated the achievements of the past year as we recognized local organizations to help them achieve their goals. Through various fundraising avenues and outstanding club and community support, the North Shore Rotary Club awarded a total $36,050 to the organizations (listed below) who are committed to creating positive […]